Ierotheos Zacharias
UPatras is one of the leading research and teaching institutions, and the fourth largest in Greece, constantly aiming for excellence through the creation, utilization, transfer and application of knowledge. Its success is built on a strong partnership with its students and academic staff and a clear focus on high performance, enhancing UPatras’ position as a world-class university with a strong academic reputation and a commitment to excellence. UPatras has acquired international prominence for pioneering and wide ranging research in areas such as Environment, Health, Biotechnology, Engineers, Electronics, Informatics and basic science. A number of its Departments, Laboratories and Clinics have been designated as Centers of Excellence, on the basis of international assessment.
The Environmental Engineering Laboratory (EEL) in the Dept of Civil Engineering of the UPatras functions with a prime objective to facilitate teaching and to promote research in the field of Environmental Engineering. EEL promotes basic research and services to governments and other institutions, industry and international organisations in the fields of Environment, Water Resources, River & Coastal Management and Integrated Regional Development. It is equipped with high quality laboratory and field instrumentation and samplers and numerous pilot plant units & has available major analytical-research equipment for all the areas that it serves.
The Laboratory's research activities aim to advance scientific knowledge in Aquatic environment by investigating the physical, chemical and biological conditions of the water environment; contribute to rational development and use of water resources & engineering works; contribute to the protection of coasts, lakes & rivers and their living and non-living resources; set priorities & environmental regulations & cooperate with the government for the implementation of scientific knowledge in the legislative framework.
BEIA Consult International is an R&D performing SME, founded in 1991, and it is one of the leading providers of ICT solutions and services in Romania for cloud communications and IoT telemetry. The company’s references include over 5,000 turn-key projects for advanced IT and communications solutions. BEIA is certified ISO 9001, 14001, 18001 and 27001.
We are active in the following areas: service innovation, hardware, sensors, actuators, information technologies, data storage and processing (back end), interfaces, software (front end), integration, communication technologies (speech processing, chatbots, ASR/TTS, NLP/NLU, AI)/tele-systems, learning & training, standardization, communi catio n/ dissemination/marketing, business development, project management.
Atlantis Perivallon & Kainotomia LTD (ACC) is a leading organisation in Cyprus providing Environmental Management and Innovation Management Consultancy Services, as well as the development of projects related to environmental Infrastructure. ACC has long term experience in the development and implementation of innovative projects in such aspects as air quality, water resources management, waste management and waste to energy. The company has implemented numerous projects for the private and public sectors for the preparation of techno-economic and environmental studies for the development of waste management facilities as well as strategic studies such as the development of waste management plans/ ACC holds an ISO 9001 certification and is composed of a multidisciplinary team of skilled and experienced staff in the fields of sustainable development, innovation management, environmental science and engineering, biodiversity and waste management. It has seven permanent staff, scientists and engineers and more than 20 associates. ACC is a member of the economic interest association GREENOVATE! Europe that are engaged in the promotion, exploitation and financing of Eco-innovation in Europe.
SINTEF is one of Europe's largest independent research organisations with 2000 employees, mostly based in Trondheim and Oslo, Norway. SINTEF consists of seven research institutes in the fields of technology, natural sciences, medicine, and social sciences with vision " technology for a better society". In this consortium, SINTEF is represented by SINTEF Ocean AS, Department of Fisheries and Biomarine Industry, Group of Marine Modelling and Analysis . The group has great competence in modelling, analysis, simulation of environmental data, including among others, ocean currents, tides, waves, wind, temperature salinity, density, oxygen, phyto- and zooplankton, algae, etc. The group has developed and maintain the inhouse hydrodynamic 3D ocean model SINMOD since 1987. The model is a fully coupled ocean model with hydrodynamics, ecology, and sea ice. Validation of the model has been performed throughout all these years using not only environmental parameter measurements but also data of primary production. The continuous treatment of large amount of environmental data has enabled us to possess a vast variety of theoretical statistical tools appropriate for the analysis, simulation, and prediction of other sources of data, and correlated them with the varying marine environment.
Fugro Norway AS - Trondheim branch (formerly OCEANOR) - is a high technology company, specialized in design, development, manufacture and service provider of the SEAWATCH multiparameter platform and products for the monitoring of the marine environment. The company has a multidisciplinary team with 36 employees with diverse backgrounds specialised in meteorology and oceanography science, water quality, software, electrical and mechanical engineering. The company has over 35 years of international experience working with the public and private sector, also establishing long-term cooperation with the majority of our main customers; international Institutions and Agencies in applied meteorology and oceanography, in India, Spain, Portugal, Greece and China. Fugro Norway AS is 100% owned by Fugro N.V., located in The Netherlands, a global leader in the provision of metocean, structural and environmental services and systems, provided on a fully integrated worldwide basis to meet and support specific client needs.
The European Public Law Organization (EPLO) , is an International Inter-governmental Organization with 4 branch offices in Moldova, Romania, Cyprus and Armenia and 7 regional offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brussels, Nicaragua, Ukraine, Mexico, Iran and Slovakia. Its specific mandate is the creation and dissemination of knowledge in the area of Public Law and Governance, including but not limited to, inter alia, national, comparative and European public law, environmental law and the promotion of European values.
The Circular Economy and Climate Change Institute promotes circular and sustainable practices, climate and environmental diplomacy and will strive to mainstreaming circular economy in all policy areas. The goal of the Institute is the adaptation of local governments, regions, municipalities, private entities and other stakeholders to the new economic model. The vision is to offer technical assistance, capacity & institutional building, promotional activities focusing on environmental innovation and good practices in Blue & Green Growth, to promote innovative actions, environmental consultancy, project management on EU co-financed and private financed projects, environmental legal recommendations, legal representation and assistance to all environmental related matters in cases of environmental breaches, sanctions or penalties.